Алла Пугачева / Дискография

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Главная > compilation LPs > Сборники 1983-1985 гг.

С90 19701 007
"Мелодия", 1983


Сторона 1
Вставайте (Р.Амирханян - X. Закиян) - 4.40
День без выстрела (Д. Тухманов - М. Дудин) - 4.18
Монолог (А. Ситковецкий — М. Пушкина, Б. Баркас) - 4.33
Мирная песня (муз. и сл. М. Ножкина) - 2.23

София Ротару. оркестр, хор (1)
Лев Лещенко, группа «Спектр» п/у Игоря Дорохова (2)
Рок-группа «Автограф» п/у Александра Ситковецкого (3)
Михаил Ножкин, эстрадно-симфонический оркестр ЦТ и ВР п/у Александра Михайлова (4)
Записи 1982, 1983 гг.

Сторона 2
Радуйся (Р. Паулс - И. Резник) - 4.27
Разрядка (В. Трофимов - Е. Долматовский) - 5.12
Утро планеты (А. Морозов - С. Романов, Н. Тряпкин) - 3.47
Мир дому твоему (О. Фельцман - И. Кохановский) - 4.27

Алла Пугачева, оркестр, детский хор (1)
Михаил Серышев, эстрадно-симф. оркестр ЦТ и ВР п/у Александра Михайлова (2)
Группа «Ариэль» п/у Валерия Ярушина (3)
Муслим Магомаев, эстрадно-симфонический оркестр ЦТ и ВР п/у Юрия Силантьева, вок. группа ансамбля «Советская песня» (4)

Editor L. Akhmetova. Cover design by V. Yermakov


The Soviet Peace Committee (SPC), established in 1949, is a mass public organisation of the peace movement in the USSR, which unites and coordinates its activity. The SPC enables broad circles of the Soviet public to help shape the foreign-policy line of the Soviet slate and to participate in its translation into reality.
All sections of the Soviet society are represented in the Committee. The list of its members includes representatives of all major public organisations, work collectives of big industrial and agricultural enterprises and amalgamations, research institutions, educational establishments and mass media. The members of the Committee (it now includes 450 public figures) are people of different nationalities, specialities and age, men and women, Communists and non-party people, religious figures. The total number of the local peace committees in the republics, territories and regions of the Soviet Union has reached 120.
The highest body of the peace movement in the USSR is the All-Union Conference (the latest was held on December 12, 1979 in Moscow) which is convened periodically and which elects the Soviet Peace Committee. Its plenary meetings are held every year. The conferences and plenary meetings determine the topical tasks and guidelines for the work of the Committee. The current activity is directed by the Presidium (70 members) elected by a plenary meeting of the Soviet Peace Committee, The Chairman of the Committee (deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet Yuri Zhukov has been Chairman since March 1982), his deputies and the executive secretary form the Presidium Bureau teh members of which regularly meet to decide practical questions.
The entire activity of the Committee and its leading bodies is carried out on a voluntary basis with the participation of a small number of staffers who ensure the organisational-techincal and information work. Four commissions of the Committee - on disarmament, on the development problems, on contacts with cultural figures and on information - operate also on a voluntary basis.
The activity of the Committee, just as of the whole Soviet peace movement, is financed exclusively by the voluntary cash donations to the Soviet Peace Fund - a mass public organisation with a total membership of 80 million.
The Committee does its best to provide constant and all-round information for the Soviet public and the public of other countries about the main trends of the USSR’s foreign policy line and the main event of the world political life, gives their analysis from the viewpoint of the Soviet peace movement, and informs about the activities of the participants in the peace movement abroad.
In its contacts with the public-political organisations and movement in foreign countries the Soviet Peace Committee proceeds from the paramount importance of expanding in every way the dialogue and cooperation with the anti-war political and public forces.
Soviet Peace Committee, Prospect Mira, 30, Moscow, USSR Telex: 411426, MIR, SU Telephone: 280-33-82

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